Empires Comparison


To demonstrate your understanding of world civilizations, your final essay will focus on the analysis of the rise and fall of empires/kingdoms throughout the time period in which we studied. Remember, this is NOT a summary of the events or the empire/kingdom, it is an analysis of the similarities and differences. Also, you will be making one last final connection to today’s society.
For this assignment, pick an empire/kingdom from each group below and develop an
essay addressing each of the following components:

  1. Compare and contrast the development/creation of the empires/kingdoms.
  2. Compare and contrast the decline/fall of the empires/kingdoms.
  3. Explain which of the empires/kingdoms you choose had the greatest influence on our society today. Make sure to provide examples of how this civilization can be seen in our
    society today.
    Group 1 Group 2 Group 3
    Babylonian Empire Tang Dynasty Ottoman Empire
    Greek Empire Mongolian Empire Russian Empire
    Roman Empire Ghanaian Kingdom British Empire
    Egyptian Empire Holy Roman Empire Spanish Empire
    Harappa Empire Anglo-Saxon Empire
    The Shang Dynasty Kingdom of the Franks
    Kush Kingdom
    Byzantine Empire

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