Employee Engagement – The Success We Need

prepare a presentation for the Board of Directors (BOD) outlining the justification for implementing a new organizational function (Employee Engagement in a hospital environment) describing activities, applications, justification and benefits of implementing an organizational operating unit.

convince the BOD of the many advantages of the organizational unit and highlight specific initiatives that the new organizational unit will address.

Offer examples where applicable and provide concrete problem/action/result strategies to overcome apparent company obstacles – if we use the below graphic (taken from http://news.gallup.com/businessjournal/166667/five-ways-improve-employee-engagement.aspx )

And let’s say we have Absenteeism and Patient Safety Incidents challenges (those 2 are linked as staff shortages leads to patient risk) as well as marginal Customer Metrics again this is linked to profitability of the private hospital.

So what can do we to take these challenges on and fix them via this new function?

The presentation should be 7 – 10 minutes and provide specific examples and tabulated data to support your new organizational function (make it up if needed).

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