Employment Insurance

  1. Unwaged work (specifically work like cooking, cleaning, child care, et cetera) is considered by some to play an important role in the functioning of capitalism and its system of waged work. Develop an argument as to how and why unwaged work enables or supports the system of waged work. (Unwaged Work)
  2. Employment Insurance is an important resource for workers to have something to rely on if they lose their job. Explain how it could be improved, while identifying what problems you think exist in the EI system. (Social Insurance)
  3. Some people believe unions should only be concerned with what they consider to be the ‘core’ issues of a union: bargaining collective agreements for their members and representing members with regards to their rights under those collective agreements. Others believe unions should have a larger political role in society in addition to their ‘core’ duties, including pushing for better government policy for all workers and organizing around broader political issues in society. Do you think unions should focus on negotiating union contracts and providing representation, or should they also push for broader social change? Explain why. (Unions)

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