End-to-end health care supply chain journey for one critical item or equipment at a facility.

Provide an end-to-end health care supply chain journey for one critical item or equipment at a facility. Include the entire block chain from raw materials to disposal. Use a diagram to show the mapping/process from end-to-end, and provide an explanation for each step of the mapping/process in a memorandum.

Review End-to-End Supply Chain Process Videos
These videos provide insight into the End-to-End Supply Chain process to help in the development of the entire blockchain.

Sustainability at Unilevel – Value Chain
Pharmaceutical Supply Chain
Upstream / Downstream
Free Resource to Create the End-to-End Diagram

Submission Instructions
Attached the following documents:

The End-to-End Diagram (PDF)
Memorandum with step-by-step narrative applied to a critical product movement through the chain from raw materials to disposal should be no longer than 5-7 pages. Follow APA 7 formatting as appropriate. Support your conclusions with credible evidence.

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