Enterprise Systems


Enterprise Systems INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Students must answer ALL questions in section A and B (total worth of all questions – 50%) no more than 3000 words (+/-10% will be the acceptance range), excluding the references and coversheet. 2. Students do not need to type out the questions. Start the question with its numbering e.g. QA1, QA2, QB1, etc. 3. Questions in Section B are related to the case study titled “Maxima Inc.: Enterprise Resource Planning Project Failure” by Shan Ling Pan and Mahdieh Taher. 4. All submissions must include coversheet and references used. 5. Please use at least a minimum use of 8 in-text references in this exam and they should be in Harvard referencing style. SECTION A (TOTAL 15 MARKS) QA1 What is the difference between Best of Breed systems and ERP system. Do ERPs hold any significant advantage over best of breed in achieving system integration for an organisation. (8 marks) QA2 What do you understand by Business Process Reengineering? Cite a typical situation where BPR can be preferred over Customisation of the software. (7 marks) SECTION B (TOTAL 35 MARKS) Please refer to the article “Maxima Inc.: Enterprise Resource Planning Project Failure” by Shan Ling Pan and Mahdieh Taher to answer all questions in Section B. QB1 Enumerate the business requirements of the project, as derived from the information given in the case. (10 marks) QB2 What are the challenges faced during the project? (10 marks) QB3 Do you think JD Edwards (alternative software) was a better choice? Justify your answer with instances from the case. (15 marks)

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