Environmental Analysis Process


Summative Assignment – (Choose a fortune 500 company)

Although the most ideal way to conduct an organization assessment is to get thorough and comprehensive input from all key stakeholders, for this assignment, you are to conduct this assessment without additional input. In other words, your perspective and research will be the sole data point. You may need to make some assumptions to fill in gaps; simply make note of those assumptions and their implications. You are not expected or required to complete formally developed interviews in this assignment.

More details on how to prepare and submit this assignment:

Be sure to choose a whole organization, NOT simply a department of the organization.
You are encouraged to use publicly traded firms or nonprofit organizations that have been around awhile, in order to get a sense of how firms’ strategies evolve.
Use information from annual reports, Internet site, brochures, published reports
You are not expected or required to complete formally developed interviews in this assignment.

All written assignments should include:

Title page (APA format)
Reference page and in-text citations
Running header and page numbers
Body double-spaced

Your analysis will be written in the primary (numbered) sections that are listed below. Assume you are submitting this report to a client, so make it easy to read. To that end, you will need to provide definitions of relevant I/O terms in order to create meaningful context for a non-I/O audience.

Part I – Strategic Inputs (not to exceed 10 pages)

Draft Due September 30
Final Due October 27
The Strategic Input Analysis should primarily describe the organization’s current environment and what exists in the organization.

Introduction: open the paper with a narrative summary of what the organization does, its industry, market position, organization size, and why you selected this organization, and your level of experience/knowledge of the organization. (Grading Rubric Level 1 – 4)
Strategic Competitiveness (Grading Rubric Level 1 – 4)
Vision and Mission
Primary products or services
Goals and Objectives
Strategic focus
Explain and classify:
Product, Operation, or Customer focused
Miles & Snow typology
Porter’s Generic Strategies
Provide evidence and discuss implications
Stakeholders (Completed Stakeholder Map)

3 – External Environment (Grading Rubric Level 1 – 4)
Environmental Analysis Process
General Environment Analysis
Industry Analysis
Competitor Analysis; Competitive Landscape
Completed PEST Analysis
Summary of Opportunities and Threats, Competitive Landscape

4 – Internal Organization (Grading Rubric Level 1 – 4)
Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
Competitive Advantage
Value Chain Analysis
Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses
Corporate Governance (Grading Rubric Level 1 – 4)
Internal Governance Leadership and Structure
Executive Compensation
External Governance
Ethical Decision Making
Recent Actions

  1. Conclusion: wrap up with a narrative summary that characterizes the most important aspects detailed in the previous sections (Grading Rubric Level 1 – 4)

What are the company’s most important resources and capabilities, and will they give the company a lasting competitive advantage over rival companies?
What are the company’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to the market opportunities and external threats?
How can a company’s value chain activities impact its cost structure and customer value proposition?

  1. Organization, Writing, APA citation format (Grading Rubric Level 1 – 4)

Summative Assignment #1 Input
Summative Assignment #1 Input
Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction
open the paper with a narrative summary of what the organization does, industry, market position, organization size, and why you selected this organization, and your level of experience/knowledge of the organization
4.0 pts
Level 4
3.0 pts
Level 3
2.0 pts
Level 2
0.0 pts
Level 1
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStrategic Competitiveness
Vision and Mission; Primary products or services; Goals and Objectives; Strategic focus. Explain and classify:
• Product, Operation, or Customer focused
• Miles & Snow typology
• Porter’s Generic Strategies
 Provide evidence and discuss implications
o Performance
o Stakeholders (Completed Stakeholder Map)
4.0 pts
Level 4
3.0 pts
Level 3
2.0 pts
Level 2
0.0 pts
Level 1
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeExternal Environment
o Environmental Analysis Process
Environmental Analysis Process
o General Environment Analysis
o Industry Analysis
o Competitor Analysis; Competitive Landscape
o Completed PEST Analysis
o Summary of Opportunities and Threats
4.0 pts
Level 4
3.0 pts
Level 3
2.0 pts
Level 2
0.0 pts
Level 1
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeInternal Organization
o Resources, Capabilities, and Core Competencies
o Competitive Advantage
o Value Chain Analysis
o Outsourcing
o Summary of Strengths and Weaknesses
4.0 pts
Level 4
3.0 pts
Level 3
2.0 pts
Level 2
0.0 pts
Level 1
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome5. Conclusion:
wrap up with a narrative summary that characterizes the most important aspects detailed in the previous sections
o What are the company’s most important resources and capabilities, and will they give the company a lasting competitive advantage over rival companies?
o What are the company’s strengths and weaknesses in relation to the market opportunities and external threats?
o How can a company’s value chain activities impact its cost structure and customer value proposition?
4.0 pts
Level 4
3.0 pts
Level 3
2.0 pts
Level 2
0.0 pts
Level 1
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome6. Organization, Writing/Grammar, APA citation format
4.0 pts
Level 4
3.0 pts
Level 3
2.0 pts
Level 2
0.0 pts
Level 1
4.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCorporate Governance
o Internal Governance Leadership and Structure
o Executive Compensation
o External Governance
o Ethical Decision Making
Recent Actions
4.0 pts
Level 4
3.0 pts
Level 3
2.0 pts
Level 2
0.0 pts
Level 1
4.0 pts
Total Points: 28.0

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