[The environmental scan is done by gathering and analyzing relevant global, regional and national information that may have positive or negative influence on the activities of the Company. It is intended to identify the external and internal challenges and opportunities likely to affect its future and opportunities to pursue]
Key Questions for External Assessment and Analysis
▪ What are the resources, capacities and weaknesses of external actors in helping to address vulnerability or alter these trends?
▪ What are the main threats to the COMPANY and its work?
▪ What are the main opportunities that could benefit the COMPANY and its work?
▪ Stakeholders – Who are our stakeholders?
▪ Which other organizations are working to provide the same services/products as we do?
▪ Which other organizations have an interest in and/or influence on our work?
▪ What are our stakeholders’ priorities, interests and problems?
▪ How is our relationship with each stakeholder?
▪ External trends – What are the social, political, economic and environmental trends that may affect our work in the future? Which can we influence? Which can we not influence?

3.4. Industry and Sector Analysis

Porter’s competitive five forces

• Threat of new entrants with details ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

• Bargaining power of suppliers with details: —————————-


• Bargaining power of customers with details: —————————


• Threat of substitutes with details: ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————-

• competitive rivalry in industry with details ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————

Market segments with details



Critical success factors (CSFs) with details



As a strategical perspective, how do you read Standard & Poor’s of classification at KSA and what is stable look?

  1. As an economic expert, what is the latest news about our stance of economy and as graduated student, how do
    you read the latest of classification of KSA stander and poor models 8-2 and what is your recommendation to
    sustain and improve this local?
  2. What is your reaction and recommendation about technology and space in KSA to reach vision 2030?
  3. How do you read the news of change SAMA name to Saudi Central Bank and what is the advises should you
    suggest of financial regard this news?
  4. Having read the final recommendations of G20 summery that was help KSA. What advices should you suggest to
    benefit from this recommendation to sustainable development of Saudi Arabia?

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