EPA’a Enviro Atlas

Part 1: Earthdata

Using the NASA Earthdata web site – https://earthdata.nasa.gov/ (Links to an external site.) , create a map that reflects an environmental issue. Discuss the types of data and the technology that collected it. What does the data say about an environmental problem?

Part 2: EPA’a Enviro Atlas

Using the EPA’s EnviroAtlas, https://www.epa.gov/enviroatlas/enviroatlas-interactive-map (Links to an external site.), create one or more maps that illustrate an environmental issue. What kinds of data are used, where did they come from, and what do they show about the selected environmental issue?

Part 3: MassGis – OLIVER

Using MassGis’s , https://www.mass.gov/orgs/massgis-bureau-of-geographic-information (Links to an external site.), create a GIS that address an environmental issue for either the state, region of the state, or municipality. The GIS should include a few data layers. Discuss the issue, data, intent, and result.
Part 4: Discuss
From the readings and parts 1, 2, & 3, discuss how remote sensing and GIS has changed our understanding of environmental processes and how it has changed our ability to solve environmental issues.

I think that making the maps and GIS are relatively easy. Thinking about what they mean and drawing upon the readings for both units 1 &2 will be more difficult. I am interested in the quality of your thought and how you approach the environmental problems of your choosing.

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