You are the privacy officer for a 250-bed hospital. It is your job to write a policy that specifies, by job title, the level of access to ePHI necessary to perform that job function. As part of that policy, you must create a spreadsheet listing the appropriate access level for each position.
Access levels:
no access to ePHI
access to demographics, advance directives, consents, and physician orders
access to items listed in level two plus, H&P, operative report, and physician progress notes
access to items listed in levels two and three plus, MAR, vital signs, nurses notes, therapy notes and discharge planning notes
access to all record entries
For this assignment, create a two-column spreadsheet/table in Excel. In the first column of your spreadsheet, enter the job titles listed below. In the second column, enter the number (1-5) that best reflects, for each job title, the level of access to ePHI required for that position. Submit the completed spreadsheet to your instructor.
Job title
admitting clerk patient representative
lab tech marketing director
dietitian physician assistant
nurse member of the board of directors
treating physician physical therapy tech
non-treating physician anesthesia tech