
Explain epigenetics (from Supplement 2c) and describe the human epigenome study and its results (in detail). Use the information from Chapter 4 on the gene-environment interaction, the information in Supplement 2b and Supplement 2c to propose a detailed explanation for how our genes and environment interact to produce a disorder such as depression (hint: you need to explain both how our genes can affect our environment and how our environment may affect the expression of our genes and how all of this leads to the development of depression in an individual). (Supplement 2c: https://wvvw.youtube.com/watch?v=avWwfuJYnnl&t=5s ) (Supplement 2b: Gene-Environment Interaction https://docs.google.com/documentid/lcynwIC4LCfngOtoH4ifcXR25StSpClkxqfNVgnt-Fio/edit? hl=en&authkey=CLPorpkD I)







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