

Order Description


Using the scenario below and in a group of 2 students only, explain how the professional nurse
utilizes the nursing process in the nurse client relationship.
Mr. Lawson is a 79 year old African American retired maintenance worker, with a 10 year
history of COPD and HTN. He was admitted to your medical unit via ambulance from his
home in Bowie, MD with a medical diagnosis of Pneumonia and has no family in the area.
His three grown children who are the pride of his life are gainfully employed and live out of
town. His wife died a year ago and his Christianity beliefs and the loving support of his
children are his coping strategies.
On admission, he states that he hasn’t been feeling well for 3-4 days, complains of dyspnea,
generalized body pain, fatigue, and a productive cough of yellow colored sputum. He has
not slept in 2 nights, is agitated, anxious about his health and reported feeling weak. Mr.
Lawson has little appetite, and is mostly eating soup even though the doctor ordered
regular diet. He is alert and oriented x 4, continent of bowel and bladder and on bed rest
due to weakness and unsteady gait.
Your physical assessment reveals B/P 168/90; pulse 104; respirations 26; temperature 98.9
F; oxygen saturation 93% on o2 2L via NC with diminished breath sounds bilaterally and
expiratory wheezing on auscultation. Bowel sounds are present on all four quardrants,
heart sounds are regular and his skin is intact. I.V. antibiotics are ordered and started.
Getting Started
In a narrative explanation, explain the assessment phase of the nursing process and include
objective and subjective questions for the holistic assessment (5 dimensions of man-see your
care plan assessment sheet) of the patient including the vital signs.
Explain the diagnosis/analysis phase of the nursing process including the different types of
diagnosis and generate one 3l nursing diagnosis for the patient.
Planning: State and explain the essential components of planning in the nursing process
including criteria for well stated goals and outcomes. Arrange the diagnosis in the order of
priority and generate one goal and 3 outcomes for the most prioritized diagnosis.
Intervention/Implementation: Explain the 3 types of intervention and provide two examples of
each of the interventions that you will implement to achieve the stated goal and outcomes for
chosen diagnosis. Provide cited scientific rationale for each intervention.
Under the implementation, utilizing therapeutic communication concepts, explain how you’ll
implement the interventions that will enable you achieve the stated goal/outcomes.Evaluation: Explain what evaluation means. What specific questions (assessment) will you ask
the patient to collect data that will enable you determine if your expected goal/outcomes were
Adhere to the specifications of the posted grading rubric in the syllabus and support your
responses with from your textbook and any other source. Note that whatever reference citation
you have in the text must also be in the reference list and vice versa. The paper should be typed,
double-spaced, with Times New Roman, 12 font size in APA 6
th edition style/format and limited
to a maximum of 7 pages including title and reference pages. Unless otherwise proved, all
students in the same group will receive the same grade


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