Essay; Role played by security

Securities play a wide role during post-disaster situation. People’s thought and point of view have changed a lot as compared to the responses a decade ago. In some underdeveloped countries, dealing with post disaster situations is still an issue. Such countries lack the ability of rapidly adapting to the post disaster situations. But it can be asserted that in most of these countries people have improved a lot, their psychological perspective has changed and apart from that, the governments are adapting new techniques of handling post disaster situation.

More importantly, the security is playing a big role in such post-disaster conditions, the governments are handling such situations with new terminologies, improved technologies and standards, and militaries are proposing new ideas and are lending a helping hand. There are many challenges faced while assessing the effected populations need, their chronic situations and mental health; which is a lot affected by the losses in such disasters.

A variety of skills are required in such situations, different departments are being involved and it is a very technical situation for the security to maintain harmony during such circumstances.

Response to a disaster is the first-most step, which is taken by the government and security departments. Their immediate responses to such circumstances are the evacuation of the affected area. A warning letter is issued to the citizens by the security. Research and Rescue teams start to provide assistance to the effected people. Little, but immediate aid is provided to the refugees. Shelter camps are provided to the refugees with food supplements and other basic necessities. An immediate restoration plan of the infrastructure is enacted. The main focus of the security department is to make sure that the people are safe, and everyone is out of danger.

In some situations where the government of the affected country lacks in providing such aids to the affected or refugees, the humanitarian organizations come in to help. Humanitarian organizations bring short relief for the refugees, until or unless a permanent aiding plan is proposed by the government.

Basically, aid is funded by donations from corporations, individuals, governments and other organizations. The funding and delivery of humanitarian aid is increasingly international, making it much faster, more responsive, and more effective in coping to major emergencies affecting large numbers of people, e.g. Central Emergency Response Fund (Who We Are | CERF, 2019).

Humanitarian organizations plan for security sometimes do not execute well because of the corrupt staff in the organization. To strengthen the organizations base and to be sure about the aids being provided to the refugees a complete check needs to be maintained.

Some researches talk about how humanitarian system will be in 2030 with respect to the security concerns, the humanitarian system will most probably get more reliable in terms of the fundraisers. More laws will be introduced. The structure of the system will be improved with the passage of time, new innovative ideas will be introduced, and people will be more educated and aware about the post disaster situation and how to deal with it (Maurer, 2016).

The best way to save more lives and make sure that the residents of the affected areas are secure during a catastrophic situation is that citizens of the country should be given awareness about such situations. They should be prepared to face any kind of sudden catastrophe. Training and short lectures should be provided to the students in order to acknowledge them about ‘how to respond in such circumstances (National Research Council, 1991).

Maurer, P. (2016, November 13). Humanitarian crises are on the rise. By 2030, this is how we’ll respond. Retrieved November 5, 2019, from World Economic Forum:…

National Research Council. (1991). CHAPTER 3 AWARENESS AND EDUCATION. In A Safer Future: Reducing the Impacts of Natural Disasters (pp. 17-20). Washington, DC, USA: The National Academies Press.

Who We Are | CERF. (2019). Retrieved November 5, 2019, from

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