Essay;Tesla Inc.

  1. On Strategy Implementation – Performance Excellence
    We discussed at length the idea of Six Sigma as a way to create synergy across the organization, to
    increase the probability of mission buy-in as well as the effective alignment of resources, and, most
    fundamentally, the production of near perfect output of product and service. Discuss the following in
    a. What is one strength and weakness of this widely subscribed philosophy?
    b. Lastly, pertaining to your CEO company, identify the ONE burning issue that is a prime candidate
    for continuous improvement – that one thing holding the firm back from implementing good strategy
    (remember good strategy clearly defines the obstacles from which we must overcome – bad strategy
    does not)
  2. On Strategic Intent and Strategy Implementation
    a. First, identify your CEO company’s strategic intent, that is, the ambitious stretch targets that go
    beyond corporate vision propelling the firm to win. Pull from the readings to support your response
    b. Second, identify and discuss the important components of your strategy’s implementation – mainly
    the who, what, how:
    i. Who are the central players/managers who will carry out your strategic recommendations?
    ii. What must be done – describe the program that is (or needs to be) in place to carry out your
    strategic recommendations?
    iii. How will everyone work together – what organizational structure will work best and why?
  3. On Evaluation and Control
    Referring to the Balanced Scorecard’s key measurement concepts, illustrate and discuss the following:
    a. Using the traditional model from Kaplan and Norton customize your team company’s BSC model
    by identifying and completing ONE objective you will ‘measure’ for each scorecard component.
    Discuss in detail.
    b. Additionally, provide a basic, yet customized, illustrative model of your BSC to complement your
  4. On the Journey –
    a. And, lastly, why does strategy matter? Be specific and brilliant.
    i. Consider including the key ‘take-aways’ from the course from the readings, lectures,
    discussions, team work, etc.

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