Establishment of an Economic Advisory Group

Prepare a complete slide presentation for the Board of Directors (BOD) outlining the justification for implementing a new Economic Advisory Group function describing activities, applications, justification and benefits of implementing an ECO operating unit. Use the PPT SLIDE GUIDE as attached for slide ideas. Your slides must convince the BOD of the many advantages of ECO and highlight specific initiatives that ECO will address in your Australian children group fitness company, Born to Move: Offer examples where applicable and provide concrete problem/action/result strategies to overcome apparent company obstacles. Your presentation should include 18 presentation slides (excluding title and references slides) and provide good graphics and tabulated data to support your examples. Please make sure you have good selected indicators and tabulated examples. Minimum of 9 References one must be the main text and it can be dowloaded here: Be sure to cite your resources and provide the references using APA format. Remember to reference all work cited or quoted by the text authors. Assignment Outcomes: 1 Summarize fundamentals of managerial economic theory. 2 Identify business and consumer objectives. 3 Practice ethical behavior in regard to information and information technology. 4 Analyze and evaluate your overall comprehension of the course relative to a broad-based evaluation of your understanding of the course objectives.

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