Ethical Issues in Business

Thomas Donaldson & Patrica Werhane

ISBN: 9780131846197

This is your third case study evaluation. Case study evaluations include a written report and an oral presentation. For purposes of this third case study evaluation you must use the facts and background information provided in the case study of “New Protocol: How Drug’s Rebirth as Treatment for Cancer Fueled Price Rises” on page 151 of your textbook.

You are a Public Relations Department employee of Celgene Corp., and you have been asked by the company to address the public outcry regarding the current price of its Thalidomide pill. You must prepare a two-to-three-page report in which you discuss what you believe are the company’s ethical responsibilities in this case. You must address in your discussions whether you believe the company is abiding by its ethical responsibilities and whether the main concern should be the public benefit or the financial health of the company. You must include in your discussions the ethical positions advocated by John Locke, and Andrew Carnegie in their respective articles found in Chapter 4 of the textbook and how they apply to this case study.

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