Ethics in human research


You have just been hired as a Research Assistant for a hospital where you will be working with a team that conducts human research. As a part of your training, you are expected to refresh your understanding of historical issues in human research and how they relate to current research practices. Your supervisor has asked you to create a PowerPoint to demonstrate your understanding of historical issues in human research based. Your presentation will be based on one of the following articles:
Create a PowerPoint presentation that examines historical issues in human research and how this relates to current research practices. Select one of the articles listed above on the following historical research projects: Tuskegee Syphilis Study, Henrietta Lacks, Nazi Medical Experiments, or Thalidomide Trials.

The presentation should address the following:

Define ethics in human research and identify how ethics are presented in the article.
Explain the background and hypothesis of the historical research project.
Explain the role of the Institutional Review Board (IRB) and note examples of protections for research participants. If there was no IRB, explain how having one could have helped ensure ethical standards were maintained.
Using current principles outlined by the IRB that govern human research, identify the principles that were violated. Provide an explanation regarding the violations and how these violations would have been avoided using current research practices.



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