Ethics in the Workplace

Write a report that reviews the results of an ethics test compared/contrasted to the ethical theory you feel best aligns with your way of thinking. You will take an online ethics quiz, review the summary of results (and the accuracy) and consider which ethical theory discussed in this course also best aligns with “you”.

More Assignment Details

  1. Take the Integrity and Work Ethics test available through the following link: You may want to make note of certain questions that peaked your interest as you were going through it. It will help you to refer to specific questions within your report.
  2. Once completed, you will receive a snapshot summary of your “Honesty Outlook”. Copy and paste this snapshot into a separate Word document and save it. Submit this as a separate document to your Assignment #1 dropbox.
  3. Decide which ethical theory best describes “you” of the three main areas of ethics we have discussed: utilitarian ethics, virtue ethics, or universal ethics.
  4. Write a report. Within this report,

a. Review the summary of the online ethics tests. Discuss of you agree or disagree and explain why. You may want to click back through the test to refresh yourself on some of the test questions that you felt were challenging, supportive, unfair, etc. to help you explain your point of view.

b. Incorporate the ethical theory that best parallels your own views. As you review the test results, decide of the results reflect your guiding ethical theory or not. The theory you discuss is your common thread throughout the report.

c. Discuss what you feel is ethical behavior in the workforce and in business today.

d. Use examples from within your own life to help explain/justify/defend your statements.

e. Incorporate your Chapter 1-2 textbook readings as evidence to support your statements. Show me that you understand what you have learned –defend your statements and claims.

Report Details

• Length: 1000-1250 words (Not including title page, references, or the test results summary which should be in a separate document).

• Use critical thinking – research. You are to have a References list with appropriate in-text citations throughout your paper that support your views/claims/arguments.

• A minimum of TWO quality academic sources are required: the textbook and one other.

• Use APA Style (REQUIRED) – please refer to OWL online or the APA handout posted on FOL if you are unfamiliar with this. Follow this standard for the title page, citations, and references.

• First person (use of “I”) is permitted within this paper as it requires reflection.

• Follow the rubric for a breakdown of grading.

• Submit the report and test results as two separate documents to the Assignment #1 dropbox. Include your name in both filenames. (IE. LCarmichaelAssign 1 and LCarmichaelresults)

Report Layout

You may consider the following the structure for your paper, but are not limited to this -structure or these headings – further and/or different headings and subheadings will emerge. Note that the conclusion, according to APA style, does not need a heading:

  1. Introduction (report map – about what you write)
  2. Summary of Test (not pasted – reworded and condensed)
  3. Results Analysis (Were the results accurate? Why or why not?)
  4. My Guiding Ethical Theory (The theory with which you best align)
  5. Reflections (on the test, your point of view, your exceptions to somethings, etc.)
  6. Conclusion
  7. References  
    A General Report/Paper Structure

The report should have a proper introduction, a body and a conclusion. Each of these components should comprise the following:

This should be a “map” to your report. Begin the introduction with uniquely introducing your topic (the ethical theory of your choice). Continue on in the introduction touching on the key points that you will address within your report. Finish your introduction with a final statement, often called a thesis statement that indicates what the “point” of your paper is. For instance, a thesis could state “ Utilitarianism clearly dominated the ethics that characterize my decision-making process”.

A basic report typically has 3-4 “points” of general discussion upon which the writer further expands. In a larger report such as this, you will have main points, but you may have several paragraphs that discuss that one point. Thus, you can envision something such as this:

a) Point One (2-4 paras)

b) Point Two (2-4 paras)

c) Point Three (2-4 paras)

d) Point Four (2-4 paras)

Restate your thesis point and then summarize the key ideas of your report. End the conclusion with an interesting statement.

0   1   2   3   4   Total

Content – Test Analysis No analysis The content does not reflect a suitable analysis of summary test results Some content meets the criteria associated with a suitable analysis. Most content thoroughly contributes to the test analysis. The content expertly reflects an analysis of the test with detail, examples, and thoroughness
Reflection On Test No reflection Reflection on the test results is minimal and lacks depth Reflection on the test results is present with some indication of understanding; more depth needed and critical thinking Reflection on the test results is clear and validated. Thoroughness is mostly present and critical thinking is demonstrated Reflection on the test results is expertly articulated. Thoroughness and critical thinking are both demonstrated.
Guiding Ethical Theory No ethical theory The content does not adequately reflect an understanding of the discussed ethical theory Content reflects the ethical theory (and understanding of) in some areas but not all –minimally discussed in relation to the test results The theory of ethics is adequately discussed and related to the test results; more depth needed in some areas The theory of ethics is expertly discussed and related to the test results; critically thinking is utilized and theory is addressed throughout
Theory Related to Self Throughout No evidence The content minimally addresses how this theory relates to you The content sometimes reflects an understanding of how the theory relates to you, but only in some areas The content adequately reflects an understanding of how the theory relates to you; further depth needed The content expertly reflects an understanding of how the theory relates to you; further depth needed
Demonstration of Research No research Minimal research and related critical thinking Research and critical thinking is present but sparse. Research and critical thinking is adequately used throughout. Research and critical thinking is expertly used throughout.
Focus No focus The paper lacks focus; content does not flow and main objectives are not met; an understanding of the content is not demonstrated. The paper has some focus with periods of content understanding demonstrated. Some objectives are met, but more consistency is needed. The paper is generally focused and content understanding is demonstrated. Some objectives are met. Connectivity between ideas is present most of the time The paper is focused and understanding of the content is clearly articulated. Connectivity between ideas is present.
Structure No structure The paper lacks structure and is hard to follow. The paper has some structural concerns that make it difficult to follow the content. The paper is well structured for the most part and lends to the paper’s content. The paper is well structured for the most part and expertly lends to the paper’s content.

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