Ethics- Thomson’s defence of abortion

This task concerns Thomson’s defence of abortion. It refers to the views and arguments that she discusses, and the views and arguments in the Study Guide discussion of Thomson’s case. Having studied those discussions, you are to write an essay on either (1) or (2), below (but not on both): 1. Critically discuss Thomson’s case for saying that when the pregnancy does not endanger the mother’s life an abortion may not be unjust. or 2. Critically discuss Thomson’s case for saying that when the pregnancy does not endanger the mother’s life an abortion may not be indecent. Further explanation of this task: You need to provide a satisfactory discussion of the topic you select (either (1) or (2) above). In order to do this you will need to understand the whole of Thomson’s article and the whole of the critical discussion of it in the Study Guide. But the question is not about the whole of Thomson’s case. You will need to identify those particular portions of Thomson’s case which are relevant to the particular topic you select,

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