Ethnographic descriptions in Turner’s chapter.


Question 2. Describe an event or chain of events that revolve around a sequence of interaction that include a ritual process: separation, liminal phase, and re-entry.
A. The description should be 2 pages in length (following style and layout instructions that appear at the end of this prompt).
B. For examples of descriptions, I suggest looking at any of the ethnographic descriptions in Turner’s chapter.
Style and Layout: Format it typed in a standard 12-point, Times New Roman/Garamond font, using 1-inch margins and double spaces. Use the citation & quotation system of your choice, and make sure to use it uniformly and rigorously throughout. The pages should be numbered, with the name on each page. They must also respect page limits.
Reading Material Description for Question 2:
Turner, Victor W. 1977 [1969]. “Liminality and Communitas.” In The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure, 94-130. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.

Question 3. Offer your interpretation and analysis of this scene.
The analysis should include your key to interpreting the scene that you’ve described in the previous section. Possible questions to address in the analysis:
A.What are the stages between which the ritual process connected?
B.What were the ways in which the liminal phase was marked?
C.What meanings did different parties to the interaction project onto the event?
I.The person/s guiding the interaction;
II.The person/s undergoing the ritual process [including difference among them];
III.Spectators [if any].
D.How did people use the celebrated transformation to make, break, or reshape relationships [and did it work?]?
E.What conceptions about society, life, social order (groups, hierarchy), and/or justice did people’s actions and/or declarations reveal?
2. This section should be 2 pages in length.
3. Cite at least 3 authors from the items included from the reading below. Please use one citation style consistently. Common citation styles in Anthropology include Chicago Manual Author-Date (Links to an external site.)

Style and Layout: Format it typed in a standard 12-point, Times New Roman/Garamond font, using 1-inch margins and double spaces. Use the citation & quotation system of your choice, and make sure to use it uniformly and rigorously throughout. The pages should be numbered, with the name on each page. They must also respect page limits.
Reading Material Description for Question 3:
1. Hurston, Zora Neale 1935. Mules and Men. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. pp 3-41.

2. Geertz, Clifford. 1975. “Thick Description: Toward in Interpretative Theory of Culture.” In The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays, 3–32. London: Hutchinson.

3. Geertz, Clifford. “Deep Play: Notes on the Balinese Cockfight.” In The Interpretation of Cultures: Selected Essays, 412–54. London: Hutchinson, 1975.

4. Roseberry, William. “Balinese Cockfights and the Seduction of Anthropology (Links to an external site.).” Social Research 49, no. 4 (1982): 1013–28.

5. Turner, Victor W. 1977 [1969]. “Liminality and Communitas.” In The Ritual Process: Structure and Anti-Structure, 94-130. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press.




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