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Study Guide Chapters 3 and 9 (Europe)
Identify the countries of Europe and waterways surrounding Europe.
What are the peninsulas of Europe?
Know your climatic types for Europe (Figure 9.4). Can you identify the countries for each climate type?
Know the physiographic regions (topography) of Europe (Figure 9.3)
What is the EU?
What are the impacts and problems faced by the EU?
How is the EU managing to help boundaries dissipate in Europe?
What is the purpose of the EU?
How do you get membership in EU?
Identify three criteria defining Europe as a formal region. Are those criteria valid today? Why or why not?
Why has Europe’s primacy as world leader declined in the 20th century?
What are the natural hazards in Europe?
The following regions have or recently have had cultural pluralism problems or other social dilemmas. Identify the problems with the following regions: Belgium, Spain, Italy.
What does it mean to be “post-industrial”?
Rise of secularism and Islam in Europe
How Europe is changing as a result of lower fertility rates and increased immigration
Role of NATO.
Role of Communism in Europe.
What countries exist now in the Balkan Peninsula that were not there pre-1991?
What are the differences between eastern and western Europe?
Explain some of the pollution problems in Europe.
Doctrines and Duties in Islam
Describe population pyramid and the information to be gleaned from it.
Describe 3 waves of migration into Europe.
Describe differences between Developed/Less Developed countries
Define differences between First, Second, Third and Fourth World Countries
Which demographics best reveal differences between developed and less developed countries?
Rostow’s model of economic growth
Problems with Rostow’s model
Primary, Secondary, Tertiary economic activities

Balkan Peninsula Iberian Peninsula Scandinavian Peninsula
Italian Peninsula Denmarkian Peninsula Great European Plain
Tablelands Lowlands alpine
European Union (EU) glaciation hydroelectricity
Marshall Plan Ural Mountains dictator
North/South Divide East/West Divide Iron curtain
capitalism communism Soviet Bloc/Eastern Bloc
Ottoman Empire Soviet Union Ptolemy
euro fascism democracy
socialism constitutional monarchy nationalism
fjord Indo-European languages Caucasian
Slavic Languages Germanic Languages Romance Languages
tariff acid rain Black Triangle
Berlin Wall guest worker Roman Catholic
Eastern Orthodox Vatican City Constantinople/Istanbul
Islam Francisco Franco dike
polder Benito Mussolini Adolf Hitler
Warsaw Pact Chernobyl Cold War
tri-partite presidency Kosovo Nicolae Ceausescu
Marshall Tito buffer zone immigration
International Criminal Tribunal T-O Map emigration
enclave exclave Flemings
Velvet Revolution Velvet Divorce Walloons
separatism Evangelical Moors
acculturation assimilation HDI
literacy rate life expectancy GDP
GNP PPP per capita
modernization dependency theory core/periphery model
world systems theory Laissez faire economic development model
nationalization of the industries model growth pole model
import substitution model export led development model parastatal
dualism commodity chain environmental determinism
sustainable development fair trade

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