Europe’s “New Imperialism”


For your second paper, consider the following:
Explain the economic demands of raw materials and overseas markets contributing to Europe’s “New Imperialism”.
What underlying issues in Europe prompted imperialism?
Pick one geographical area (i.e. Africa, SE Asia/China, Latin America, etc.) and explain how it serves as an example of increased European interest in expansion. In what ways did imperialism change your geographical area? In what ways did it change Europe?
Here are the specific guidelines you are to follow:
Your paper should be between 3-4 pages. As three pages is the minimum, that means three FULL pages of CONTENT. Anything less than three full pages will be considered below minimum and points will be deducted.
Use APA style including a reference page and in-text citations. Please make sure you familiarize yourself with that style. Your course page has resources to help you with questions you may have about APA style.
Use ONLY SOURCES from GMC’s Academic Databases.






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