Evaluation of a Research Paper


Assigned article:
Jozaghi,E.and Andresen, MA. (2013). Should North America’s first and only supervised
injection facility (InSite) be expanded in British Columbia, Canada? Harm Reduction
Develop and construct a review paper in response to the above assigned article by
incorporating the following requirements:
o Identify what type of research paradigm is presented in the research article.
o Describe SIX key characteristics of this article that illustrate the type of
research paradigm that you selected in the above point. Each characteristic
should be supported by specific information taken from the research article.
Simply listing characteristics from the lecture notes is not sufficient.
o Discuss how the choice of research paradigm used in this research article
contributes to the overall quality of this study by describing THREE ways in
which the study design or findings were strengthened or enhanced by the choice
of research paradigm. Your answer should include specific examples from the
given research article.
o Discuss FOUR themes associated with safe injection facilities that emerged
from this study. Clearly explain these themes and include examples from the
article to support your points.
o Aside from opening more supervised injection facilities, provide TWO practical
applications of this study’s findings and clearly identify the organization/s that
may be responsible for implementing each application.
o Briefly describe how this study’s findings have altered your knowledge of
supervised injection facilities.


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