Evidence-Based Practice Proposal


Evidence-Based Practice Proposal: Data Collection, Analysis, Evaluation, Dissemination of Results and Conclusion

I am in a family nurse practitioner program and this is the last part of an Evidenced-Based Practice proposal. Each section builds off of the previous one so I will be attaching the previous 2 papers so you can read those and have them for reference. This paper should include information about data collection, analysis, evaluation, dissemination of results and a conclusion. Below you will find the criteria for this paper but I will also be uploading a copy of the complete guidelines for this paper. It is imperative that each bullet point under the numbered sections “4-8” are completed in their entirety. 4) Data Collection: In this section, students provide a comprehensive and detailed description regarding how data are to be collected. The required content includes: • Restate the PICO/PICoT question • Provide a detailed explanation on how data collection will occur • Identify the data collection points • Explain the length of time for data collection • Explain all source(s) of data (i.e. self-report, questionnaires, structured observation, biophysiologic) • Describe 2 (two) methods that will be useful in enhancing data quality • Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data collection method 5) Analysis: In this section, students provide a detailed explanation on how data will be analyzed. • Discuss descriptive statistics and their use to explain the characteristics of the sample of this EBP proposal • Describe one type of inferential statistics and their use in this EBP proposal • Use scholarly references to provide information regarding selected data analysis 6) Evaluation: In this section, students will present information regarding methods useful to objectively determine if outcomes from implementing this proposed EBP proposal would be positive for stakeholders as well as the nursing practice area reflected in your chosen area of family nurse practitioner. The required content includes: • Describe how each of the stakeholders identified earlier in this EBP proposal will experience improved outcome(s) from implementing this project • Describe 2 (two) changes or improvements to nursing practice that may result in change in your family nurse practitioner setting at the micro level if this Evidenced-Based Practice project was to be implemented. 7) Dissemination of Results: In this section, students will identify specific methods that may be used to share the results from successful implementation of this EBP proposal. The required content includes: • Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with stakeholders • Discuss how the results of this EBP project can be shared with members of your future practice area at the facility, community, state, and national levels 8) Conclusion: In this section, the student will identify a summary of their Evidenced-Based Practice project as well as consider the potential contribution of a family nurse practitioner. The required content includes: • Provide a comprehensive summary of key points from this Evidenced-Based Practice proposal project • Provide a summary of the potential contributions of this Evidenced-Based Practice proposal project to your future practice of a family nurse practitioner. My PICO question is: Are there reduced rates of infections in patients in health care settings when health care workers practice “wash in, wash out” hand washing with antibacterial soap or alcohol-based hand sanitizer compared to not washing their hands? The paper can be no longer than 15 pages (not including the title page or reference page) but 8-10 pages has been the average in the past. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask 🙂 Thank you!

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