Exam dishonesty/cheating


Submit a 4-6 page reflection paper (12-pt. type, double spaced, properly cited, appropriate language/grammar/spelling) on academic integrity, including a review of the materials at www.fullerton.edu/integrity, in the Student Resources tab, and Policies and Procedures page, including the Academic Dishonesty Policy (UPS 300.021) as references while not using outside research on academic integrity. The paper should address the following:
■ Describe your understanding of CSUF’s Academic Dishonesty Policy.
■ Explain why it is important to members of the university to understand academic dishonesty.
■ Describe how each of the three incidents here (from HIST 110A, EGCE 206, and EGCE 441) violates the Academic Dishonesty Policy at CSUF (UPS 300.021).
■ Discuss what changes you will make and steps you will take to prevent cheating and violations of the Academic Dishonesty Policy.
■ Explain the impact this incident has had on you.
■ Explain the impact this incident has on the Cal State Fullerton community including peers in your courses and your professors.
■ Describe how these actions affect your ability to perform in your desired career.
■ Explain the potential impact if another similar situation happens in the future.

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