Exercise physiology



Critically analyze five or more recent
peer-reviewed research articles on a

current topic in exercise physiology.


Write a review paper addressing current thinking on a
specific topic or

problem in exercise physiology. A well written paper


a topic in exercise physiology drawing from information from five or
more peer-reviewed articles that were published since 2017. You may
include information from additional peer-reviewed or other well-written
books or articles.

together information in a well-written paper that discusses relevance of topic

Havea thesis and define
important concepts related to the topic

current knowledge related to the topic

suggestion for future study


Paper should be 5 or more double-spaced pages.


The topic of the paper is detraining and retraining effects on muscular strength.

Outline I created:

Detraining effects with resistance training

Detraining effects on muscular performance

Can retraining improve muscular performance from before?

Retraining effects with resistance training

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