• How do the readings assigned for this week fit in with the course overall? How do they relate
to material already covered?• Did something confirm what you already knew, believed, or suspected? What
was the source of the information you brought to the material? How do the readings relate to your own life
experience and background?• Was anything surprising to you? Why?• Was anything completely new to you?
Does this build on what you already knew, or does it challenge strongly held beliefs? Does it make a
difference? Why?• What questions did the readings raise for you that you would like to see discussed in class?
Can you propose some possible answers to your questions based on what you already know? In the papers,
students will properly reference the reading materials and sources using proper APA citations.
Student Preparation
1.) Hebrew life in Egypt
Read “The Exodus Event” pp 127-142 from Lawrence Boadt, Reading the Old Testament
(2d ed. 2012) [Boadt, Exodus Event, 127-142 (2012).pdfPreview the document ]
2.) Israel’s Exodus from Egypt
Read “Exodus Introduction” (NISB pp 85-86)
Read Exodus 1 – 4; 7 – 15
Read “Excursus: Salvation and the Sea” (NISB pp 106-107)
3.) Israel becomes a people
Read “Excursus: Covenant” (NISB pp 113-114)
Read Exodus 19 – 23, 32 – 34
Read “Excursus: The Character of Israel’s God” (NISB pp 134-135)
Read Leviticus 19, 25 – 26; Deuteronomy 5 – 7; 10 – 11; 15 – 17; 29 – 30.
Read Deuteronomy 26:5-15.
4.) Write weekly academic essay. Submit to TurnItIn at Canvas prior to class.
1.) Egyptian background:

  • The Hyksos and the 18th and 19th Egyptian dynasties.
  • Theories about Hebrew life in the Egyptian delta region.
    2.) Liberation:
  • Pharaoh, a god of oppression and death
  • YHWH, the God of life and freedom.
  • The transition from Pharaoh’s slaves to YHWH’s people.
    3.) Covenant:
  • The Way of Life for YHWH’s people.
  • The Commandments
  • The law codes
  • Living as YHWH’s people in YHWH’s land

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