Experiential Learning (EL)



Experiential Learning (EL) is one of the core components of SIS’s curriculum and is the process through which students “connect the classroom to the world.” Posted below are a number of virtual opportunities aimed at helping you engage the community and contextualize our course practice. Each student is responsible for executing his/her plan. APA paper formatting and citation is required! Please note that the EL paper should represent your best writing with a structure and flow that makes your main points clear and backs them with evidence. You should plan to edit and revise these papers for quality writing style and proofread for grammar and spelling.

Paper Requirements:

Select 2 (TWO) EL options – I have made some suggestions below, but you can select an experience of your choice.
The paper will be comprised of 3 sections:
Section 1 (~2-3 pages total): For EL 1, craft a reflection in accordance with our Guidelines. See attachment.
Section 2 (~2-3 pages total): For EL 2, craft a reflection in accordance with Guidelines
Section 3 (~3 pages total): Compare/contrast the 2 ELs experiences. How are they different? What elements of ethics and leadership do/don’t they address? How? What assumptions do each make? What voices are privileged? Silenced? Which is the better representation of ethics and leadership? Why? Here is a guide to compare/contrast writing.



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