Explore and analyze the Salazar family

The purpose of this case report is to explore and analyze the Salazar family from the perspective of Structural Family Therapy. Please note: The Salazar family case is discussed throughout the Nichols (2009) course textbook. Using the Nichols (2009) text and the Gehart (2017) text as needed, and 2 other required peer-reviewed sources, write a 3-4 page case report. Discuss their family functioning from a Structural perspective. In this case report, please use the following required headings: Introduction; Subsystems; Boundaries; Enactments; Conclusion. See below for a detailed outline of what should be included in this essay:
Introduction – introduce the topic of the paper and indicate what will be discussed in the body.
Subsystems – First, describe this concept according to Structural theory. Then, discuss the specific subsystems that exist within the family and evidence/examples to support your assertions. Also, please discuss the real and potential impact of those healthy or unhealthy subsystems. Please use examples and be specific.
Boundaries – First, describe this concept according to Structural theory. Then, discuss the type of boundaries that exist in the family (nuclear and extended family). Please share evidence and examples to support your assertions. Student should specifically discuss to what degree boundaries between the different family members are clear, enmeshed, or rigid. Also, please discuss the negative consequences and/or damage that any unhealthy boundaries may be causing to the Salazar family. Please use examples and be specific.
Enactments – First, describe this concept according to Structural theory. Then, examine what enactments are observed within the family while they’re in sessions. Speak about whether these enactments reveal aspects of the family that they might be unaware of in their daily life. From what you see of the Salazar family, what do you think are some ways that you would map, track, and modify the family structure? Please use examples and be specific.
Conclusion – provide a few brief closing sentences to conclude the essay.
References – include all outside sources used in the body of the paper. Students should use proper APA format. Both course textbooks are permitted to be used and 2 peer-reviewed journal articles are required. No websites permitted.
This essay should be 3-4 pages of text, plus a title page and reference page. No abstract needed. This assignment should be in APA format. Please remember proper in-text citations for any information that you cite in your paper that is taken from an outside source. Also, students should be sure to use their own words (paraphrase) when citing any outside sources and avoid using direct quotes as a shortcut for full comprehension.




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