Exploring EBP Quality Improvement


Describe the three healthcare settings that you explored as proposed sites for an EBP QI project. For each health care setting, identify the following defining features: patient population, mission, public or private entity, single institution or member of a corporation, and others you identify as significant.
Compare the settings for strengths and weaknesses as sites for an EBP QI project. Be specific and provide examples.
Explain the practice problems that you explored based on your interests and identified needs of the health care settings you investigated.
Explain why each problem is a potential focus for an EBP QI project. Be specific and provide examples.
For each health care setting, describe the stakeholders whose approval would be required to initiate an EBP QI project and implement the results.
Compare similarities and differences in stakeholder requirements across the settings.
Identify the one proposed health care setting/practice site and one proposed practice problem you have selected as the focus of a hypothetical presentation to stakeholders, and explain your choices.

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