Exploring How to Use TESS

Choose a unique name for your product or business. No matter how carefully we choose a fictitious name, before massively using it, we need to assure that it is not being used by another business entity. Therefore, this week, you will use the Trademark Electronic Search System (TESS) in the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) site to determine if your name is available. You will do the following:

Go to TESS, a U.S. government site you may access at https://www.uspto.gov/trademark (Links to an external site.)
Do a Trademark Search on the availability of the name you selected in Week 2 for your product or business.
Conduct a Basic Word Mark Search only.
Tell us your findings.
For instance, how many names are similar to yours?
Do you foresee this as a problem? Please explain.
If there is a registered name that is the same as the one you selected, the name will be challenged and not granted to you. In this case, what course of action would you take to ensure that your name is approved by the USPTO?


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