Exploring Psychological Perspectives through Film

What films did you choose; briefly describe the plot in your own words. Then, find examples of how at least two the perspectives are represented in each of the films you chose. For each of your examples, in detail, describe the scene and dialogue from the movie (also roughly at what time in
the movie did the scene occur?, e.g., 35 minutes from beginning). Then, using material the course (i.e., lectures from Week 1 and assigned textbook chapters from Week 2), analyze/interpret the movie using appropriate terminology. Finally, compare and contrast at least
2 of the films. Did you find similar or contrasting themes or perspectives? Explain
You should select 1 movie from the AFI Top 100 (https://www.afi.com/afis-100-years-100-
movies-10th-anniversary-edition/), 1 movie from the IMBD Top 100
(https://www.imdb.com/search/title/?groups=top_100&sort=user_rating,desc), and 2 of your
choice. The films of your choice can come from the AFI or IMBD lists or they can be any major
theatrical studio film release (however, they must be different than the ones discussed and
assigned in class). Please note, recent films that were released simultaneously in theaters and on
a streaming service (e.g., Disney+ or AppleTV) do count; however, “Made for Cable or TV”
movies (e.g., Hallmark Channel), will not count. If you are not sure of your choices (e.g., some
Netflix movies count and others will not), just check with your professor.

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