Exploring Sunni-Shia Relations Among Muslims in US Prisons

Exploring Sunni-Shia Relations Among Muslims in Prison

Muslims make up a large percentage of prison populations in the US, with many converting to Islam after coming to prison. In prison, there are inmates that identify themselves as just Muslims while others are studying to determine a school of thought. However, there are many inmates who strongly identify as either Sunni or Shia. The relationship between Sunni and Shia Muslims around the world has been greatly scrutinized, but especially so in the US after the wars that have plagued the Middle East in the last two decades. The dynamics between Shia and Sunni Muslims in prisons need to be brought to light and analyzed to better understand how to improve and strengthen communities. It is imperative for Muslim Chaplains to be aware of Shia-Sunni issues in prisons and allow research to inform their chaplaincy practice so that all Muslim inmates, including both Sunni and Shia, receive optimal spiritual care. There is a lot of bias and prejudices that exist on both sides, but specifically against the Shia minority among Sunni-majority inmate populations. Chaplains have a role in challenging sectarian tendencies and facilitating understanding and unity among Muslim inmates.

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