Explain any difficulties you experienced while searching for this article. Would this database be useful to your colleagues? Explain why or why not. Would you recommend this database? Explain why or why not.
1 The article I chose for this research is Postpartum Help-Seeking: The Role of Stigma and Mental Health Literacy. I utilized the CINAHL Plus database to search for this article by Aubrey Jones. The most frequent problem related to childbirth is postpartum depression.
Using the right keywords was one of the challenges I ran into in my hunt for this post. I had to try several keyword combinations before discovering the article. However, once I located it, the database gave me quick access to the full-text article.
I started my search using the link in the weekly reading resource “Databases A-Z: Nursing.” This link took me to the Walden University library. I selected the Nursing database and got “15 databases found for nursing”. I chose CINAHL Plus because it provides a vast library of articles and electronic books covering various nursing and related health disciplines.
After I selected CINAHL Plus, it took me to the database, where I could type in the three search boxes. First, I searched for Mental health; This gave me so many articles; I narrowed my search to the next box by typing Postpartum depression, then limited the search and gave me the exact articles I sought.
I will recommend the CINAHL database to my colleagues and students in the MSN program. It offers a thorough selection of full-text journals and abstracts, making obtaining accurate and current information easier. It aids in locating research data pertinent to clinical practice. You can efficiently utilize it, modify your searches, save searches, and create notifications for brand-new information. It also provides citation options to select from. The database also allows you to choose the year you want, as using resources from the past five years will enable researchers to ensure that the information they use is current and relevant.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering suggestions/strategies for working with this database from your own experience, or offering ideas for using alternative resources.
2 The article explored is cited in the reference below. Titled ‘ Exploring the Transition from Registered Nurse to Family Nurse Practitioner”. This article provides a good approach on managing the stress, uncertainty and turmoil that comes with the role of transitioning from a RN to a FNP. The database used is Pubmed. I enjoy using this data because it has many articles and it is very easy to maneuver through. There wasn’t any difficulties faced when assessed through my institution as prompted in a bid to read the full text. This database of course will be useful to colleagues as it provides free access to one of the largest searchable biomedical and life sciences literature with the aim of improving health- both globally and personally. It offers a broad overview of existing literature on a particular topic and is unarguably more comprehensive when it comes to biomedical and life science topics than other databases.
Furthermore, its indexing with medical subject heading allows for controlled comprehensive searching which is a peculiar feature compared to other databases.
I will definitely recommend this database to other colleagues by virtue of the fact that it covers a wide variety of peer reviewed life science topics which undoubtedly serves as a great resource for advanced nursing educational research.
Respond to at least two of your colleagues’ posts by offering suggestions/strategies for working with this database from your own experience, or offering ideas for using alternative resources.