Expressing time: connecting film and sculpture


Living through fascism: mid-twentieth century politics of film and sculpture; Films on sculpture: conveying phenomenology; Sculpting film sets: meanings of modern sculpture in film; Expressions of modernity across mediums: technology, industry and anxiety. Reconnecting with nature: materiality and representation in film and sculpture. Rewriting the canon: narratives of marginalization in modern sculpture and film.

The first step of any research is: identify your topic.
Read extensively about your topic, trying to understand the position of different scholars in that specific discourse, as well as the main aspects discussed. Your paper should cite at least 7 sources (primary and secondary) which will show the depth of your research.
Take notes while you view the primary and secondary sources included in your bibliography. to describe the status of previous scholarship on your topic.
Develop your own thesis. Considered the position of other writers, what is your own position? Do you agree/disagree with the interpretation of some of them? Can you contribute to a certain discussion by adding arguments that could reinforce another scholars’ perspective? Or, on the contrary, do you disagree with a scholar’s theory? What aspects have been underestimated by existing discourses?
Once you have developed your thesis, you must put it to the test. Take a distance and ask yourself: WHY is your thesis convincing and HOW does your argument work?
The answers to the questions at 5. will constitute your points of proof: the points on which you will base your essay. In the answers to the questions at n.5, bring as much evidence as possible. Ground your points in written and visual sources, bringing examples and discussing primary and secondary materials.
Imagine counter-arguments. How could your readers react to your essay? In what could they disagree with you? Discuss the counter-points. (when you organize your essay, you might insert the discussion of the counterpoints before the discussion of your own point, so you will conclude with a positive statement. That should reinforce your thesis).
Do not generalize. Do not use judgmental words. Try to use appropriate vocabulary. Please, use the Chicago Manual of Style for your Citations.



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