Fantasy and science fiction in Christianity and culture

Fantasy is often considered a form of storytelling that portrays things that are not real; science fiction explores stories and plots that could happen in the future, with enough technology.

Think about the place of these two genres of art in Christianity and the wider culture at large.

Our culture is full of myths, super heroes, magicians, guardians, princesses, aliens, zombies, and guardians (even Guardians of the Galaxy!). How might these fantastical elements open doors to discussions about

spiritual things (things that we can’t see)?

Or think about it from a different perspective:

Given that the Bible uses fantasy in this way and asks the reader to use his imagination, where do you think these two genres might fit into the human experience? Where do we see science fiction and fantasy in

our own culture? Do you think they play a role in helping our imagination? Do they help or hinder faith? The story that you read for this week, Harrison BergeronPreview the document, is considered science

fiction. How does this story play into your assignment?

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