Fear of Missing Out

Paragraph 1: What is FOMO? (use examples)
Paragraph 2: Relevance of FOMO from students, customers, and managers point of view.
Paragraph 3: Why is the paper important/why read the paper? (highlight importance of the paper)
Paragraph 4: Paper sections & subsections

2. Literature Review

2.1 Explain the concept FOMO in detail (3/4 paragraphs). Provide examples.
2.2. What are the drivers/antecedents of FOMO? (2/3 paragraphs)
2.3. What are the consequences of FOMO? (2/3 paragraphs). Social media use, social media addiction, social media stress are few examples of consequences of FOMO.
2.3.1. Explain social media use
2.3.2. Explain social media addiction
2.3.3. Explain social media stress


3.1. How FOMO leads to increase in social media use?
3.2. How FOMO leads to increase in social media addiction?
3.3. How FOMO leads to social media stress?

4. Implications (usefulness of research) of the FOMO concept (2-3 pages long)
4.1. Researchers (3 paragraphs)
4.2. Managers (3 paragraphs)

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