Feasibility of HPS Power Plants to Serve the Villages

Questions to Assess the Feasibility of HPS Power Plants to Serve the Villages
Understanding the customers and their lighting needs:
1. What kind of electricity uses do your target customers engage in? Is electricity mainly used
for lighting purposes and for running small businesses?
2. What does a community/village or small town look like structurally speaking? Are these
communities comprised of people living within a radius of 4-5 miles?
3. What do households and businesses use for lighting and running small machines? How
much does a household spend on electricity on a monthly basis?
4. What would be the estimated household income on a monthly basis? What are some of the
income generators and jobs available in such communities?
5. What is the current energy source for lighting, irrigation, and other such applications for
6. How much do domestic uses of electricity cost on a per kWh (kilowatt hour) basis? Please
include all the costs, that is, taxes, transmission costs, and any other charges that
government or local agencies may levy.
Feasibility study of the potential of using Husk Power Systems’ plants:
Ques. 1: Do communities have plentiful access to biomass such as rice husk, corn cob, wood
chips, etc? How much rice is produced in these areas?
Ques. 2: Do communities engage in local farming? How far does one need to go to procure
rice husk? What are some of the current uses of rice husk?
Ques. 3: Are diesel generators widely used as a source of electricity? What is the cost of diesel
per liter or per gallon?
Ques. 4: In the case of electricity provided by a diesel generator set, what is the total cost of
electricity on a per kWh basis?
Ques. 5: How much would such communities typically need electricity for addressing their
daily energy needs? Is that less than 100kW?
Ques. 6: Are there rice mills close to the communities? What is the size of a typical rice mill
— that is, how many tons of rice do they mill on a monthly basis? Do these rice mills
operate throughout the year?
Financial considerations:
Ques. 1: Are you considering investing money for forming a partnership with Husk Power
Systems? What is the minimum and/or maximum amount you are considering?
Ques. 2: What kind of interest rates do local banks charge for commercial long-term loans?

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