Featured case.


Watch the two videos on our featured case. Review the questions below and then take some notes along the way as you watch the videos.
Read the chapter and review the attached PowerPoint

MEDICAL EXAMINER – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6RjMkxBe9Ho
MEDIA COVERAGE CASY ANTHONY CASE – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-q-zPyxkMsI
Featured Case
•In 2008 Casey Anthony was arrested for the murder of her 2 year old daughter.
•Some evidence pointed toward her guilt; but all of it was circumstantial.
•Witnesses for both sides gave contradictory and confusing testimony.
•After 32 days of deliberation the jury returned a not guilty verdict.
Question 1
The Anthony case was widely publicized.
•Many people felt there was strong evidence to support her guilt.
•A jury however starts from the premise of innocence.
•How was the evidence utilized to reach this verdict? Was justice done?
Question 2
•What fact or facts do you think most strongly pointed to guilt?
•What fact or facts do you think the jury relied upon to proclaim her innocence?





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