Feeding Disorders Case

Choose one of the following cases. From your perspective as their psychiatric nurse practitioner, answer the following questions in a two- to three-page double-spaced paper (not including the reference page) in APA format. Include at least three peer-reviewed, evidence-based references.

Write a summary statement about the case presentation, including potential DSM-5 diagnoses.
Is there a screening tool for this diagnosis? Would it be appropriate for this patient? If available online, include a link to the tool.
What assessment questions would you ask them to identify their eating disorders, triggers, and current coping skills?
What medication changes would you recommend, including doses and administration times? What precautions and interactions would you educate the patient about when prescribing your recommended medications or changes in medication?
Explain any other health professional referrals that would be significant in your patient’s treatment plan.

Mike Hill is a 23-year-old male who sees you today with a history of fluctuating and significant weight loss. Today’s weight indicates a 30-pound loss since his last doctor visit two months ago. According to his chart, his PCP diagnosed him with General Anxiety Disorder and noted “specific phobia of choking.” Mike has no other relevant past medical history or concurrent medical conditions or disorders. His diet doesn’t have any culturally associated practices, and food is available for consumption. Mike has no history of an eating disorder or trauma.

Sleep is restful with Trazodone 25 mg po q hs and melatonin 3 mg po q hs. He tried Zoloft in high school and college but reported negative side effects of low libido and tiredness; he stopped taking it at age 19.



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