Fetal heart tones are 130 with minimal variability.

Vaginal exam reveals 4 cm dilated, 90% effaced , -1 station
She is complaining of pain 8/10 on a numeric scale. 
An IV has been started with an 18 gauge catheter with 1 liter of Lactated Ringers at 150 cc/hour in the left forearm.
How can you provide non-pharmacological comfort to this patient?
What are the pharmacological methods to use?
Without prenatal records or history GBS is unknown, What must you provide?

Contractions are 5 minutes apart and you receive an order to augment labor- what non-pharmacological methods can you provide or  ask the provider to provide?

Pitocin is ordered please include at what rate you will start Pitocin and how  often you titrate. What equipment is necessary to run and hang Pitocin?

Assume the role of CEO to describe a change you want to implement in your company (either the one you work for now or a fictional firm in an industry you are interested in).
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation to address your senior staff, directors, managers, and supervisors. Include the following:

Provide a brief overview of the change that you want to implement and the reason for the change. In order for your organization to consider designing a change strategy, your change should be one that you believe will face significant resistance from people within an organization, often because it threatens the existing organizational culture. An example of an appropriate change is a major change in an organization’s structure, a significant technological change introduced into the work process, or a significant change in compensation systems. Generally, the more detail you offer about the change, the easier the rest of the assignment is to complete effectively.
Examine Kotter’s and Lewin’s recommended change models. Document how they may help implement the change within a diverse working environment.
Identify two other change models, and then explain the processes of each.
Choose one (or more) of the four models to best help implement your change, and then defend the model(s) choice.
Discuss in some detail your change strategy planning process for using the model(s). This is an excellent place to use elements you found in this week’s assigned readings.

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