Field experience

Community: Rural, urban, or suburban?
School: Elementary, middle, or high school? How many total students are served at the school? What percentage of the student body receives special education services? How are the buildings arranged?
Classroom: How is the room arranged? What are on the walls? Are there computers or learning centers?

Description of Students: age, grade level, type and severity of disabilities, student ethnicity, socioeconomic status (SES), gender. What were the criteria for placement in this setting? What subjects/concepts/skills do these students have the most difficulty with? Description/Background of the Teacher and an any other Adults Working with the Students:

Teacher and Aide: educational training, experiences, certification
Volunteers: How were they recruited? Did they receive training? What are their classroom duties? Curriculum: What is the overall approach or combination of approaches being used in the classroom (e.g., Whole Language, Direct Instruction, Collaborative Learning, etc.)? What series or program is used for reading and mathematics? Does the teacher incorporate art, music, movement, life skills, or career awareness?

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