Field Observation

Use a checklist that allows you to assess the classroom environment and the use of developmentally appropriate practices and materials. Spend some time in an early childhood education environment evaluating
what you see happening and the way the classroom is organized.
You may search for an existing checklist used in stateor national evaluations, or create your own from existing
ones. Remember to focus on the environment, which includes physical set-up and how the teacher sets expectations and models respectful treatment of others, or how the teacher encourages students to understand
ideas from different perspectives.
Then create a report in which you:
Explain how the assessment was appropriate for the environment being assessed and evaluate what you found (include the checklist).
Offer suggestions about what you would change to improve the learning environment for both students and teachers. If you were a school administrator, how might you address these issues with a teacher? Are there professional development opportunities for teachers that would improve the learning environment?
Identify other questions about early childhood education environments raised by your observation that would require further study or research to answer. What interests you about these questions and why are they

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