Field trip

I went to Europe with my business school of Azusa Pacific University last month(6.8-6.16). We have two local teachers and three school teachers. There are 9 students. We first arrived in Paris, France, and visited the Louvre, Notre Dame. , the Eiffel Tower and the Notre Dame Cathedral in Strasbourg, and we used a day of free time to shop; then we spent a week in Greece, first visited the Philippi site in Thessaloniki, where we studied with the professor. Business knowledge, visited Barba Stathis SA is a company that deals with the sale of Greek vegetables. Also one beach day in Kavala. In the next three days, my friends and I used free time to go to Athens and visit the Temple of the Athen and the whole city. Finally we arrived in Austria and explored some of Austria’s famous attractions, such as the Vienna Golden Hall and the National Library.

1. How was the learning from previous business courses enhanced through your experiences during the field trip? 2. Did you record your experiences and, if yes, how?(photo and notes) 3. What did you learn about group dynamics during our field trip? 4. How would your experiences in France and Greece prepare you better to work in these countries, in ways that you would not be prepared simply by studying resources but not having experienced the environments? In other words, what did you specifically learn about doing business in these countries that you could not find through a search in the Internet? 5. If you were to plan and manage a similar trip in the future, what would you do different in order to better achieve two primary objectives: learning and having fun.

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