Film review for “ride with the devil”


1 Movie “ride with the devil” by “Ang lee” in 1999.

  1. View and review. The paper has to be in a formal academic style of at least 1200 words.
    Only use this websites including actual movie by ang lee
  4. Article I am uploading in the files EBSCO host.
    Required Construction:
    1) Bibliographic Entry – Think of it as a label at the beginning of the essay.
    • Done in MLA style

2) Information – Most of the information for this section can be found on the back of the video/DVD. (150 words)
Be sure to keep this section short.
• People –Give a little information about the movie including the director,
producer and, at most, three of the top stars.
• Edition – Note any special information about the film such as if it was part of a
series, based on a novel, colorized, or was a special release edition with DVD
3) The Plot – While there is a great temptation to make this section the largest portion of the paper, it must remain short. (250 Words)
• Brevity – In no more than one or two good, well-rounded paragraphs, briefly
retell the plot of the film. In short, condense the main storyline into about 5-10
4) Reality – ( 500 words)
This is the most important part of the essay and should be the longest.
How did the film match up with history? Be specific and cite any sources.
• Were the characters based on real people? If so, were they portrayed
• Were there any real events portrayed? If so, how accurate was the portrayal?
• If there were no real characters or events portrayed, are the characters the
sort of people found at the time.
• When and where was the movie set? Were the sets realistic?
• Were the clothing, equipment, and other props shown realistically?
• Was the zeitgeist (spirit of the age) depicted well?

5) Evaluation – Remember, even terrible films can be very historically accurate and vice versa. (100 words)
Examine the film from the standpoint of its artistic merits.
• Film Critic – Be like a real film critic and break the movie down in an
academic fashion.
o Was the acting adequate or inadequate?
o Were there stereotyped roles or well-rounded characters?
o Was the plot clear and paced, or vague and tedious?

6) Conclusion: (100 words)
Sum up the paper with a few last thoughts as to its accuracy, place in film history, or
possible issues of cultural sensitivity.
• Timeframe – If the film was done many years ago, would it have been done
differently today?
• Overall Historical Accuracy – Did the film make the viewer more aware of
history or just add to the confusion?

7) Final Annotated Bibliography – Across the entire paper, the citation style must be consistent use MLA. Also, it is to be included with the Film Review as part of a single file.

Final Thoughts:

  1. Academic Style – When writing the paper do not make use of the 1st or 2nd
    person point of view. Therefore, “I,” “I think,” and/or “you” are
  2. Citations – As always, the use of wikipedia or similar sites such as and are expressly forbidden and I will expect
    to see sources other than websites. Moreover, all research should be from
    proper sources such as books and articles from EBSCOHost. In addition, the
    paper must have in-text citations like Parenthetical Notations or Footnotes. After using any websites
  3. Complete the Assignment – Always check to make sure that all parts of the
    assignment have been completed. Thus, each section should be represented
    in the final product. Turning in a move review that mostly describes the plot
    of the film without having an equal amount of space spent on discussing
    historical accuracy will result in an “F.”
  4. Single Flowing Essay – The preceding material was intended to only give a
    general outline of the paper. The finished product should not have any
    3 sections, but should be one essay that flows from topic to topic seamlessly
    across its many well-proportioned paragraphs.

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