Financial and accounting analysis: a key tool for efficient financial and accounting management in the company.

Paper details The article must talk about the financial and accounting analysis are fundamental to assess the situation and the real economic, financial and accounting performance of a company, detect difficulties and apply appropriate corrective measures to solve them. The objective of this study is to analyze the importance of financial and accounting analysis as a key tool for efficient management of the company. The study must be analytical with documentary design based on the theoretical foundations of the different authors.
The article must have the following structure: 1. Summary – The summary will briefly include the objectives of the work, the methodology, the most relevant results and the conclusions. 2.- Introduction: you must explain the background and the purpose or justification of what you want to do, in the most concise way possible, indicating the objectives of the research and what will be presented in the article. 2. Methodology: Hierarchize and group the selected and reviewed bibliography according to topics to be dealt with in the article. It should reflect the procedure that will be followed during the analysis of the bibliographic review. 3. Development and Discussion: Analysis of the bibliography, according to the structured organization previously. Verification of the results of different authors and the critical argumentation of each aspect addressed in the article. This documentary instigation must serve as a synthesis, coherent, clear and perfectly argued of what has already been done during the previous investigations. 4. Conclusions: The work will end indicating the conclusion / s that the authors of the article have reached, as well as the possible implications and / or practical recommendations that may arise from them. 5. References: Only those references related to the article will be cited.

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