Financial system of national, or regional, or International sport

Analyze the financial system of national, or regional, or International sport governing body of your choice (not FIFA or the IOC) e.g. QFA, QOC, QSL, FIA, International Handball Federation, International Gymnastic Association, WADA, Manchester United, Chicago Bulls, Paris Saint Germain…etc

Use the same presentation to investigate, while focusing on the challenges, term paper will be teamwork, therefore, each student will be focusing on one challenge of sports finance related to the same organization, and need to offer ways to overcome the situation based on literature.

The term paper should be designed on the following:

  1. Introduction ( sport finance), and the organization you are focusing on, explaining the content of the term paper
  2. Literature review: explaining what are you focusing on within the organization in sport; issues of sports finance around the selected topic
  3. Analysis

a. Focus on the challenges the organization is dealing with

b. Focus on the exact challenge you want to point out

c. Find out how to overcome this challenge (based on literature)

  1. Conclusion and recommendation

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