First In Human documentary film series.

Watch the full First In Human documentary film series. Then write a two-part assignment.

Part 1 (80% of mark)

There are four patients who are followed in FIH. They are receiving experimental therapies. Please choose one of these patients and explain the scientific mechanism of their therapy. How does it work to treat their disease? Explanations should be in your own words. We have enabled Turnitin for this assignment (see Syllabus for details) as one Academic Integrity Tool. The Turnitin tool automatically activates when you submit your assignment . Word and pdf files seem to work best, and Turnitin seems to not work well with files in the format of Pages. You are responsible for your own Academic Integrity, and shouldn’t rely on Turnitin to make a decision for you.

Part 2 (20% of mark)

Choose a different patient than part 1. For this patient’s story, discuss the ”human side” of their clinical trial. What struck you about the patient, their family, and their caregiver(s) in the trial? What new insight did you get about the personal side of drug trials after watching this film? Something that you didn’t know or appreciate before seeing the film?

Evaluate the quality of your work based on your demonstrated:


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