First Weeks of School




Answer the following questions found in your textbook on the designated pages. Make sure to answer in complete sentences explaining.
NOTE: I will be a Physical Education teacher
Best Practice #1
Question 2: What message does doing a team-building or icebreaker activity on Day 1 relay to your students?
Question 3: Why is it important to have students talking to each other on Day 1 in a structured activity? How will this facilitate student collaboration in your
Question 4: Think about a successful icebreaker you’ve done in the past. What were some of the long-term positive results that came out of doing that
Best Practice #2
Question 1: What do you think are your teaching strengths? Are they the same as or different from what other teachers have recognized as your strengths?
How do you use this information to maximize student learning?
Question 3: What do you love? Can you bring this to your classroom so the students can get a better sense of who you are?
Best Practice #3
Answer Question #1 with regard to your mentor teacher’s classroom. What is your classroom policy for student use of cell phones and other electronic
devices? What is a structure or routine you’ve seen work well in a classroom for this issue?
Best Practice #4
Practice using “I” statements with your students. Reflect on the student’s behavior
ex: “I need you to…”, “can I have you…”
Best Practice #5
Question 1: What are your thoughts on the heterogeneous seating chart and spreading out the students with disabilities, general education students, ELL
students, etc.?
Question 2: Evaluate your Mentor teacher’s small group instruction in the physical education class. What changes would you make and why? How would you
do small group instruction in your physical education class? Will you have a designated area? Think about your Ed Theorists.
Question 4: How would you rearrange your Mentor teacher’s seating chart and why?


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