Section V — Analysis of the Company’s Differentiation Compared to competitors and other companies with which you are familiar, evaluate the target companies product offerings and product differentiation (uniqueness in the minds of customers). Compare market shares, gross profit margins, inventory turn ratios, and other measures with benchmark companies to analyze the target company’s product or service differentiation.
Approximate length = 2 to 3 single spaced pages plus related charts or tables.
Section VI — Description of Present Managerial and Technical Processes Include some interesting examples of anecdotes that will provide some insights into the way the company operates and how these modus operandi are meaningful in the attainment of company objectives. Be sure to include employee development practices.
Approximate length = 2 single spaced pages.
Section VII — Apparent Company Operating Conventions What is the company culture like? Do people like and admire the company, or are there reservations?
Approximate length = 1/2 single spaced page.
Section VIII — Analysis of the Company’s Leadership & Organization What is your assessment of how the company is being managed? Provide analysis with some of the managerial concepts we have discussed in class.
Approximate length = 1 single spaced page

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