Forensic Microscopy of Hair and Fiber Evidence

A suspect was apprehended after an attempted sexual assault was reported to the police. The victim wore a sweater manufactured with a blend of acrylic and wool fibers. The suspect’s clothing and the victim’s sweater were submitted to the crime lab for forensic fiber analysis.
In a 3 page essay discuss how forensic scientists conduct forensic examination of fibers.
Define the basic types of textile fibers.
Differentiate between the different types of microscopes available to the forensic scientist conducting forensic fiber examinations. (An excellent answer would include at least five major points.)
Discuss how the crime lab would identify and compare the fiber evidence from the attempted sexual assault. (An excellent answer would include at least five major points.)
Evaluate the proper methods of collecting and preserving fiber evidence.
Use the course text and at least two outside research sources including academic journals to support your view.

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